Monday, November 30, 2009

Wait, I say, On the Lord!

I would just like to share a brief word of encouragement. To all of us who have struggled before or are struggling with something right now and it seems like you fear your requests to God, through Jesus, either haven't been heard or will not be answered, consider this Word found in the first part of 2nd Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slack concerning His Promise!!!!...Although the complete explanation of this verse relates to when the Lord Jesus will come back again during the rapture, their is an immediate part that relates to Christians (in particular those who are growing in His Word). For us it means that The Lord will surely give to us what He has promised. If it feels like its taking longer than expected, trust in the Lord that He has an appointed time to personally deliver or make manifest what you really need. That's why the psalmist could declare to us all to Wait on the Lord and be of good courage, Wait, I say, I plead, I insist that you shouldn't give up.

because what seems like a long time, To God it really isn't, so to us it really shouldn't be. He's not slack, slow, or behind in keeping his promises (some of these promises are found in Jeremiah 29:11 ) so Wait, I encourage us all to, On the Lord

You are blessed!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Anniversary Celebration for 1 Accord

Please come out and help us celebrate the name of Jesus during our 3 annual Anniversary Celebration.
Thanking our Lord for His OmniPRESENCE.

Date:November 8th, 2009

Time: 3 p.m.

Location: Mt. Zion MB Church 1444 S. Compton

click image to view flyer

One Accord Christian Ministries 1-Accord Ministries is a Christian-based music ministry that seeks to uplift the name of Jesus through song, deed, and love for the express purpose of witnessing to the lost and encouraging the found. We are comprised of committed disciples from various churches in the St. Louis area who have a desire to sing about God’s goodness both in and out of season – while in the physical Church building, as well as out in the community.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The rescue

I promise not to wait 8 months to post again.

I have been feasting on the word that's in Zechariah 3rd chapter
If you take a glance and see, you will find that Jesus:

  • reveals my true nature

  • recognizes that I need help

  • rebukes the enemy with great determination for me

  • rescues me from the destruction planned by the enemy

  • removes and replaces my sins with His righteousness

  • restores my soul!

I love this for many reasons, one of them being that he rebukes satan's charges not because they were false but rather because He already had rescued me. The all-knowing - omniscient - Father already knew the issues I had been wrestling with and He still chose to rescue me, clean me up, and get me back on the right track!

This is why we should salute all of the brethren with love and respect no matter what we think we know about them bc we don't know what they were saved from, but Christ saved them from the worst of it to bring out the best in us!
