Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Gift of Grace

Well my fellow bloggers, it's been far too long since our last entry so what better day to post than on Christmas? 2007 has been great but in late November we did suffer the loss of our child - Grace - I'm posting a portion of the Eulogy I gave for her memorial experience.

2 Peter 3:18 reads

But grow in grace, and [in] the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him [be] glory both now and for ever. Amen.

While the word Grace occurs over 160 times in the Bible, the clause Find Grace or found Grace – as in Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord or Hebrews 4:14-16 - find grace to help us - occurs nearly 30 times in the Bible. Now we know the word Grace to mean – God’s unmerited favor – A special gift given to us for something we could not earn ourselves. Worth far more than all that we have. On our best days – when we have fed the hungry – healed the sick – ministered to those in need – made all the morally acceptable choices – we still can’t earn Grace – because Grace is given. Well the question then may be - for those instances in the scriptures and during times such as these –
Is or was Grace Lost? Well my brothers and my sisters, I have some Good news for you and I’m not talking about saving on car insurance – the expression finding grace in the scriptures can be translated to experiencing Grace.
You may not always see Grace – But there is Grace. You may not always feel Grace – rest assured fam Grace is There – not in that vault, but right in your hearts and minds. Sometimes I like to think that I’m the one providing consolation and comfort to others but please believe that I’m encouraging myself. For I have come to understand that once you experience Grace, your life cannot remain the same. We all experienced Grace.
Our conversations with friends and family changed and our actions changed too. We joked about names like Lamont (before I knew she was a girl) Thekla (little thekky what they call her) and Maggie. We conversed about back pillows. We changed what we cooked and ate. Our Friday evenings went from leaving work and going out to leaving work and going home to sleep. Grace does just that - Grace changes you.
Hence, it has become more evident to me the power of this scripture in 2 Peter 3:18 – But Grow in grace… How do you grow in something you can’t earn? You learn and you cherish each experience of Grace that you have had. You share that Grace – You keep that Grace with you – and above all, you learn more about Grace Himself – Jesus. Sent by God the father in heaven as Grace to an already perishing world. Jesus, the special gift of Grace that lived as man and died a death that he didn’t earn but in 3 short days rose giving more Grace, changing more lives, healing more spirits. And He’s coming back, and by His Grace we’ll be changed eternally.
Yes, my brothers and sisters while this is a celebration, we are not immune to events that have brought us here. This is not a forum to figure it all out, but after you have ran out of questions to ask yourself – The Lord has an answer for you. Yes this is a place where it’s ok to cry and weep – Christ sent us the comforter for times just like this – just make sure that every once in a while when feel a tear welling up in your eyes, you see Jesus right there ready to wipe it all away.
This moment in time we celebrate Grace, thank you for sharing in this experience with us.

Merry Christmas to all!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

We've got something good!

God has placed a treasure within us! What can we do to preserve it?
2 Corinthians 4:7

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


There are two songs that I am feeling right now, both relay an inspiring message about healing.

Broken but I'm healed by Byron Cage

and Healed by Donald Lawrence

Check these words out:


1st chorus: God can heal, He can deliver.He can mend your brokenness.He has a miracle to fit your needs, once you trust Him, you will receive.

last chorus: God has healed, He has delivered.He has mended my brokenness.Gave me a miracle to fit my need;praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord.Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, I have received.

I love how the artist shows, through the lyrics, a change in the situation. Because there are many areas of our being that make-up who we are (body, soul, spirit), healing may be necessary on many different levels. Just like when are physical bodies may suffer internal trauma, sometimes we are hurting spiritually and we don't even know the magnitude of our injuries.


Vamp: May have some scars...I am healed...Circumstances...I’m still healed...Disappointments...I am healed

It takes a certain level of faith to be able to see beyond our present circumstances and believe that God has already supplied us with the remedy necessary to relieve us from our burdens - from the physical to the spiritual.

What's just as amazing is that both artists relay a message to the believer, with great assurance, that what we are in need of has already been supplied - Isaiah 65:24

Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

mmm...mmmm....mmmmm...What the preacha said...

I heard an excellent message Sunday. It was more like one of those messages within the main message. While the main message was tasty - 5 C's to live by when you face the giants in your life.

  1. Know that you have been Charged - Upon our belief, we received the power of the Holy Spirit. This life giving charge provides us with the spiritual vitality necessary to accomplish all things.

  2. When the giant and or problem in our lives come accept the Challenge - The enemy wants to try our faith and test us. But God believes in us!

  3. Once you've accepted the challenge, the Lord give us Confidence - not so much in ourselves, but our power through Him that gave us the Charge. That Charge has more power in it than we know ourselves, but God believes in us because He knows what He's given us

  4. This leads us to more than Conquerors through

  5. Christ for The word interpreted means that our victory is even greater than accomplishing that task or withstanding that attack. But our victory rests solely on the fact that we have endeavored to have a living relationship with Jesus Christ. For in Him we can do all things.

Now those 5 c's were great but the message within the message that really moved me was the analogy of feasting on this message, or any aspect of the Word of God spoken into your life.

My interpretation - "Once you've left this table, wrap it (This Word) up. Place it in foil and put it in the fridge to keep it fresh. Then take it out a little later and eat some more. Then wrap it back up, use some more foil on it. Make it last like a Thanksgiving dinner feast when you just can't eat everything up at once but you know you have a meal ready to be consumed later. And just like that meal, the next time you eat a little more you notice that the seasonings have settled in the meat and the dressing. You taste it and it tastes better the second time than the first. Even more so will God's given/spoken Word be to us"

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The last quarter!

A good friend of mine wrote this about a week ago and it was inspiring and motivating to say the least. Please enjoy:

The Fourth Quarter
Jason H. Thomas

It is difficult to believe that 2007 is almost gone. Very soon, we will be entering the final quarter of the year. During this final quarter, several things tend to happen. Cooler temperatures begin to replace the summer heat wave. Leaves begin to turn from green to orange, yellow, and red. Diets begin to shift from fruit and salads to soups and comfort food. But the best thing that the year’s final quarter brings is…football. Maybe it’s just me but I can smell the pigskin in the air. But that’s not the focus of this piece. As you approach the tail end of the year, your focus should be on “How can I finish well?”

At the beginning of the year, you had goals. You had dreams. You had unbreakable focus. You had determination. You had will power. And then it happened…life. Your dreams didn’t flow according to plan. Your goals didn’t get accomplished quite like you imagined. Either you had less income or more expenses, but your financial balance sheet is a bit…off balanced. You experienced a few more problems than you initially accounted for. Some relationships went sour and died while others were birthed and flourished. But life happened to you and the end of the year is now upon you.

So what do you do now?

Finish what you started. It’s not about how you start but how you finish. Your aim should be to finish well. People rarely remember how you started something but they certainly remember how you finish.

Implement an effective and efficient strategy. Effectiveness relates to how well you do something whereas efficiency relates to how fast you can do it. I believe that a person of true excellence has the ability to marry the two (effectiveness and efficiency). As a part of implementing a great strategy to end the year well, you must ask yourself:
What do I need to start doing?
What do I need to stop doing?
What do I need to continue doing?

Keep the end result/reward in mind. Many people are motivated when they have a keen understanding of “What’s in it for me?” The primary reason that Jesus could endure the pain of the cross was because of the joy that was set before Him (Hebrews 12:2). In the same manner, it is the goal/reward that you are working towards that will help you to endure the pain of the process.

Although the year’s end is almost upon us, you still have time to accomplish those things that you initially set out to do. So don’t delay; make it happen TODAY! Remember, it’s important that you start, but it’s more important that you finish…and finish well!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Giving credit where it is due!

If I ever did anything good. If I ever said anything insightful. If I ever provided encouragement. If I ever gave support. If I ever prayed effectually. If I ever received an award. If I ever gave someone in need a hug. If I ever listened to another's concerns. If I ever said something just at the right moment. If I ever performed exceptionally well at my job or within my field of study. If I was ever empathetic. If I ever gave a healing touch. If I ever spoke a Rhema word into your life. If I ever preached an inspiring sermon or preached until the pews went crazy! If I ever taught a lesson that motivated another disciple's spirit. If I ever appeared intelligent. If I ever accomplished anything. If I ever appeared to be a good ambassador for Jesus Christ.

Please believe that I don't boast of myself, for it was nothing and no one but God's awesome presence doing what He always does!! Zechariah 4:6

Monday, September 3, 2007

Perspective shift

Where we see darkness -
  1. Ignorance
  2. Separation
  3. hopelessness
  4. sadness
  5. loneliness
  6. fear
  7. chaos
God sees opportunity -
  1. Wisdom
  2. Covenant
  3. Hope
  4. Joy
  5. partnership
  6. Victory
  7. Peace/Order
Genesis 1:2
Psalms 139:11-12

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

3-way Phone call

I am not the biggest R-Kelly fan, though my wife may be - what can I say, she's big on forgiveness. I will, however, be the first to admit that he does have a gift - an extraordinary spiritual gift - to touch people in song. I would prefer that he were all the way hot for God and only made encouraging songs for God's children but I am also aware of a few basic tenets of American music culture and Christianity:
1. Music - the sounds, chords, beats have a unique history intertwined through many musical genres. Music evolves so we should not assume that a certain sound denotes a certain spiritual level.
2. God is not finished working on anyone yet!

That being said, R-Kelly and Kelly Price's 3-way phone call has received much play on my ipod this week. If you have never heard it, it's on the U saved me album, disc 2 - you can listen to a sample on amazon. It's a unique little piece that makes me re-think the power of a phone call to a close friend.

Have you heard this song before?
Let me know what you think


Thursday, August 23, 2007

A worthy cause

What I really want for myself, my personal and church family, my friends, my co-workers, everyone - even my enemies.

Ephesians 3:14-21

Monday, August 20, 2007

You Reign! part 3 -You Rain

Well, what happens when the pressures of life get too much for us to bear and no water can get through the tough ground of our hearts? A look at Hosea 10:12 will provide us with some insight into this matter. In this scripture, Israel stands on the verge of reaping the results for being spiritually unfaithful to God. And though our message is not nearly as severe, the instructions for our own spiritual growth in a sinful world are quite similar. Sow to yourselves in righteousness and reap in Mercy or love, break–up your fallow ground for it is time to seek the Lord till he come and rain righteousness upon you.
Sowing in righteousness means prepare with God’s word in prayers and actions. In my yard, before I could break up the ground I had to wet it right before. You see in my own righteousness, doing things how I may naturally do them, not only am I as a filthy rag in comparison to Christ, but I’m complacent and stuck in my ways.
For example, I was upset one day and determined that I was going to tell someone how I felt because they had said some things that I didn’t like. My only problem was that I had to preach and I needed to study some more but what I read and wrote wasn’t sinking in, then someone told me that God shows us all mercy and they reminded me of my first sermon and how we wrestle not against flesh and blood. I calmed down immediately and asked for forgiveness. That word softened my heart so that I can break that follow ground. So I can get down and rake away that hurt and anger. I put down a little more water, So I can get down in there and rake away that unforgiveness. I put down a little more water, So I can get down in there and rake away those rocks those obstacles that were blown in my path. I put down a little more water to get down in there and rake away feelings of doubt and depression, feelings of unrest and frustration, feelings of uncertainty and distrust that came about when I relied in man and got burned. The application of water/His Word must be constant to ensure that a change takes place.

Well, after assessing the situation I was able to take some actions to improve the vitality of my yard. I broke up the hard ground and I trimmed back those limbs and I picked up those leaves and I planted more seeds and I watered both areas again. I believed and I took some time out to work on the yard.
I watered the areas both day and night.
Then I realized something.
I cant be there 24 hours a day hovering over this little area. I couldn’t be there at night protecting the grass. I can’t predict and stop the next dry spell or windy day.
but one night as I was sleep, it rained.
One night, when I was concerned about the lawn, it rained. I can water the grass but I can’t make it rain.
What are you saying?? One night when I decided to seek His rest, He showered me with His righteousness and love. One night when I told Jesus that I can’t do this by myself, that I can’t read scriptures all day and night, He picked up that rake and removed unbelief, he picked up that rake and removed all obstacles. So when I finally woke up - came to my senses - I saw that the work had already been completed.

He said I have already did the work bc I can work while you are sleeping. You see while you are brooding over the area, while you think you are fixing your problems, while you think you have done more than enough. I can’t wait until you tire those little arms out, and you put your confidence in me, so that I, The Lord, can work. So that I can direct that water; so I can guide that seed; so I can break out the tough ground and leave the good ground in there. So I can trim back just enough and do it just at the right time. So I can remove the leaves without taking up all the new grass around you.
Now when my yard needs a little work. I still put down seeds and trim branches and rake leaves but I discovered that I don't have to worry about the results. I can just say Lord, You Rain. Lord You Reign

Friday, August 17, 2007

You Reign! part 2


Now let's examine the second part

2. The 2nd area by the back steps had hard ground - fallow ground that prevented any growth. Water couldn’t penetrate through the ground. In fact, adding water when it was hot, made that area even more dense later that day. It became this way because in this area all of the natural elements have direct access to it. Hot sunlight beats on it directly, heat evaporates the water quickly, wind blows away seeds and the dog tramples over this area. All of that and more makes the ground tough in response to its surroundings and too tough to be changed in its current state.

Our spiritual view

shows us how the pressures we are exposed to weigh us down. Situations that we can’t control and those tough ones that we once managed well are bearing down heavy on us. We are exposed to the enemy’s attacks. Maybe we lost a job, maybe we lost a friend, maybe there was a death in the family, maybe we are buried with frustration (The heat and pressure of not meeting others’ expectations). All these have compounded you with fear and doubt. In addition, the false winds of miscommunication have blown away any seeds that were almost sown. Almost sown seeds are those missed opportunities to receive nourishment:

  • You were about to read His word but something came up or your favorite tv show came on.

  • You were on your way to work in the morning and you chose to listen to your favorite radio show or r&b cd instead of listening to something that would provide early morning spiritual vitality, ie Gospel or Christian music, sermon, spiritual talk show.

  • You knew you had some critical issues on your mind but you didn't pray about them.

Those are all seeds almost sown but the winds of our troubles blew them away.

What happens when the pressure of life get too much for us to bear and no water can get through the tough ground of our hearts?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

You Reign! part 1 - Joy

A short story
I like cutting the grass and keeping my lawn in good shape. After I cut the grass and trim it neatly, I look over at it and I’m like “Now that’s a good job.” I look out at it because I remember when we first got the house and the lawn was mostly greeds (grass-like weeds) So it amazes me when I see its growth. However, this “examination” reveals some parts of the lawn that need a little work.

There are two parts that I am working on now, let's examine the first part:
1. On the side of the house, underneath the trees that serve as a property divider
So I said,
Let me just add some water. So I watered the area and the whole yard. Some time in the day, some time in the night. This process went on for a little while until I looked out at the lawn and saw the lawn looking good out front and out back. But nothing changed in this area. I’m like, are you serious. So I gave up. I was tired of watering without results. I witnessed that area of the lawn deteriorate to the point when I just got tired of looking at it. I was tired of the same situation and so I did something. Granted I should have done some things before it came to this point but sometimes you have to truly assess a situation and get upset at it in order for you to take some action towards resolving the issue at hand.
So I looked at this area of my lawn and I noticed a few things.
1. The first thing I noticed in the area by the trees was that this grass had faded away because it couldn’t get enough sunlight and water. Why couldn’t it get enough sunlight and water? The branches from the trees were taking all the sun and the trees' roots were taking a lot of the water. In addition there were leaves from the fall mixed in with the grass that was soaking up the water that remained. This area wasn’t getting any nourishment
Deeper examination into the matter broke down like this
You know, sometimes, we can be just like the lawn. Our spiritual vessels/temples in which the Holy Ghost resides, need daily maintenance. Sometimes we let the oversized branches take all of our sun. The sun represents Joy! Then, if that ain’t enough, we let some things interfere with our feeding. Now ya’ll know me, I am so serious about food. However, tough schedules and different priorities prevent us from consuming and absorbing the nutrients we need replenished daily.
Don’t let nothing or noone steal your joy. We should not be discouraged by the various situations and circumstances that occur in our lives.
Joy just ain’t being happy but Joy is recognizing that Jesus is right there with us! And where Jesus is, joy is also

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I'm considering the level of knowledge Christ has about me and the level of knowledge I have about myself .........................................................................

You know I still get surprised every now and then when I do something well. I'll say something like "I didn't think I could do that!"

But, My God, you know me so well and you think about me so much Psalms 139:17-18

And not only that, You think good things about me Jeremiah 29:11

So why is it so hard to Trust in the Lord? I mean, do we always settle for the vendor with limited knowledge and minimal experience?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What are you wearing?

If by pride we break peace, humility is that one preserver of peace necessary for all churches to thrive under the will of God.
If there is any article of clothing that I tend to strip off from time to time, it is humility. It's time I keep my clothes on...
1Peter 5:5-6

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Do you know Jesus?

It is too hot out here not to know Him.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Can you imagine

The word multitude has always impressed me. When I consider God's word in Isaiah 63:7
and visualize a large group of people that can't be numbered I think about the innumerable listing of mercies Our Heavenly Father has bestowed unto us all.
As in this picture, from our view, it appears as though they are compounded and stacked one on each other. They say count your blessings, but our minds aren't fashioned to perform such an operation.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Fred is at it again!!

I am feelin this little Fred classic - Clean Heart - from the Purpose by design album. I know I've had it for some time (2000) but Fred's songs never get old to me.
Check out this line from the first chorus

And I am calling out to You for a strength exchange
I will gladly take Your joy for my weakness

The Clean Heart concept derives from Psalm 51 when David asks God to create in Him a Clean Heart, realizing even (especially) God's children (called, chosen, and touched) have to repent on a daily basis. It's just a nice reminder that our God still wants to do business with us even though what we have to offer pales in comparison to what we receive...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The battle is not yours!

Ye shall not [need] to fight in this [battle]: set yourselves, stand ye [still], and see the salvation of the LORD with you, (2Chron 20:17a)
I enjoy this scripture because it describes the level of intimacy God wants to have with all his children. He knows our situations, even ones which we have gotten ourselves into, and while He's not exactly pleased with our actions, He still wants to fight our battles, and get rid of our enemies.

Being a lover of sport, and competition in general, I find myself almost daring anyone or thing to challenge me. Sometimes creating the "I wish you would..." complex for my perceived foes and adversaries.

Yet I receive the most strength when I recall (in my mind) that I don't have to actually fight. Why? Because the battle is not mine, it's the Lord's. He's going to win regardless. As a matter of fact, He's already won! I am the strongest during the moments I truly give situations to God, it is then that we allow His awesome power dominion over our situations - 2Corinthians 12:7-9

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Origin of faith

There is a quote that reads - "A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong."

I chewed on that for a second, not because it was difficult to understand but I was actually trying not to understand it (if that makes any sense). What word is the most significant in bringing the point home? I guess we can even ask why is there a journey in the first place?

From a literal perspective one can assume that the major difference between the two can be explained by the position of the word woman in the sentence compared to "her" surroundings. The first "woman" is fronted by the adjective strong making the word stand out even more. Why wouldn't someone want to be strong? Further examination of this sentence leads us to see that this "Strong woman" needs help to continuously define herself. This is evident in the use of the word (has) - a possessive auxiliary verb that in this case is helping out the Be verb (is). A conveniently questionable position for a word that presented the illusion of strength and covered it up further with the facade of prior possession (has) but when it comes to what is, the word (woman) is only strong to a certain degree and that certain degree could very well be inaccurate, especially when facing the unexpected. Meaning - the woman may in fact be too weak for the journey.

However, the second woman is simply defined as a woman. No glaring adjectives b/c after the word woman is a preposition (of). Prepositions show relationships and in this case there is a relationship between woman and strength. While we are looking at their relationship (woman and strength) we find the same has faith but now we are wondering where this faith is coming from because this woman by her own regard isn't strong but she possesses, and has had it for some time, this faith. This faith is not in herself but in it is. The focus is not on the journey so much because that is part of a prepositional phrase. So the focus is on the pronoun (it) which refers back to faith.

So is faith the most important word in the sentence? We know that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. or in other words - It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen because we have evidence beyond the natural realm.- Hebr 11:1
But also consider this thought in Hebr 12:2 - Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
This reminds me that my faith began the moment my relationship with Jesus started. True faith is based on that relationship. Any other usage of the word is actually inaccurate. Faith is more than just deep belief and hope in oneself, but our hope and expectation is in Jesus Christ.

Now if we were to examine that same linguistic analysis spiritually, the sentence might read something like this: A woman relying on her personal strength possesses a certain amount of belief in her own strength that she can overcome the task at hand but a woman receives strength when she believes her faith will equip her for this task and prepare her for ones to follow. One step further even we can say - because we know the word woman is simply a word, we can substitute any person in that slot -

-Anyone who is prideful enough to believe that he/she is strong may believe that his/her strength is sufficient to a certain degree. However, when someone receives his/her strength from their relationship with Jesus, He, being Jesus, equips them beyond comparison for the current task and enhances their faith for tasks to follow. -

Wow, what a revelation!

When I can just take the focus off me and pursue my relationship with Christ there is no limit to what can be accomplished. As living beings created by God, we are in perpetual motion, hence the need for a term like journey. Along this path, it is always good to know that someone has already walked along the path and is doing His best to encourage me to let Him carry me on His shoulders the rest of the way. Christ is the origin of our faith for He truly is all that I've hoped for and His work goes beyond the natural realm of understanding. Ephesians 3:20

So what word brings the point home? "You" of course -

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Restoring Word

"A little while, and you will no longer see Me." Jesus repeated these words to His disciples several times. Yet as soon as they had settled into the upper room, Jesus raised the subject of His forthcoming death. Immediately, the mood of His followers went from one of celebration to shock and sorrow. Often in difficult times, we cannot see beyond that moment. The resurrection was a few days away, but they could not fathom its wondrous coming. God always provides the encouragement we need to stay the course, and Jesus did this for His disciples when He told them, "Your sorrow will be turned to joy.” This message definitely restored the hope of his disciples.

Yet as they watched Jesus endure the cross, their fears arose again. Imagine what it must have been like to know that the man you followed for three years, who claimed to be the Son of God, was dead. He had said that no one could take His life from Him—He could lay it down and pick it up again—and that He could call upon a legion of angels. Where were all those angels? What happened to the kingdom He promised? For Jesus' followers, the days after the Crucifixion must have been full of disappointment and anxiety.

But then a Word of hope broke through the disciples' desolation: "He’s alive!" This is another message that restored the hope within the disciples. God brought them from the pit of despair to the pinnacle of jubilation. The most awesome message the world has ever heard is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is a living Lord.

Christianity is unique because the Resurrection encourages us with God’s Word of a living Jesus. All other so-called prophets and founders of different religions have died. While their followers can go to a tomb and pay homage to dry bones, we can sing joyous praises to our Lord, who hears us! (1 John 5:14) The Christian faith has such powerful music because we have tremendous joy in our hearts. The Son of God is living within each one of us, and we cannot and should not hold the excitement inside.

Yet and still, as with His disciples, Jesus uses His Word to restore our lost hope and faith. There are many situations that arise that can cause our faith to simmer down and cool off. We can become fearful or even disappointed when we are faced with the unexpected.
When someone doesn’t offer encouraging words to support your hard efforts in your ministry or when it seems like prayers aren’t being answered while your situation gets worse are two possible scenarios that can create fear and disappointment within our own ministries. Christ offers us His Word all the time to restore our hope and faith so that we can continue producing in the area that He has called us to. Even when times get tough, it’s not so much about what personal promises you have made to yourself or others, as it is about God’s Word (Jesus).
His Word is an endless pool of restoration to the believer. As long as we continue to study, pray, and meditate on His Word we can swim a few laps around His pool and be restored. Actually, the Surgeon General, Jehovah Rophe, recommends that we all take a daily swim to improve and restore our heart’s condition.