- Know that you have been Charged - Upon our belief, we received the power of the Holy Spirit. This life giving charge provides us with the spiritual vitality necessary to accomplish all things.
- When the giant and or problem in our lives come accept the Challenge - The enemy wants to try our faith and test us. But God believes in us!
- Once you've accepted the challenge, the Lord give us Confidence - not so much in ourselves, but our power through Him that gave us the Charge. That Charge has more power in it than we know ourselves, but God believes in us because He knows what He's given us
- This leads us to more than Conquerors through
- Christ for The word interpreted means that our victory is even greater than accomplishing that task or withstanding that attack. But our victory rests solely on the fact that we have endeavored to have a living relationship with Jesus Christ. For in Him we can do all things.
Now those 5 c's were great but the message within the message that really moved me was the analogy of feasting on this message, or any aspect of the Word of God spoken into your life.
My interpretation - "Once you've left this table, wrap it (This Word) up. Place it in foil and put it in the fridge to keep it fresh. Then take it out a little later and eat some more. Then wrap it back up, use some more foil on it. Make it last like a Thanksgiving dinner feast when you just can't eat everything up at once but you know you have a meal ready to be consumed later. And just like that meal, the next time you eat a little more you notice that the seasonings have settled in the meat and the dressing. You taste it and it tastes better the second time than the first. Even more so will God's given/spoken Word be to us"
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