Monday, August 20, 2007

You Reign! part 3 -You Rain

Well, what happens when the pressures of life get too much for us to bear and no water can get through the tough ground of our hearts? A look at Hosea 10:12 will provide us with some insight into this matter. In this scripture, Israel stands on the verge of reaping the results for being spiritually unfaithful to God. And though our message is not nearly as severe, the instructions for our own spiritual growth in a sinful world are quite similar. Sow to yourselves in righteousness and reap in Mercy or love, break–up your fallow ground for it is time to seek the Lord till he come and rain righteousness upon you.
Sowing in righteousness means prepare with God’s word in prayers and actions. In my yard, before I could break up the ground I had to wet it right before. You see in my own righteousness, doing things how I may naturally do them, not only am I as a filthy rag in comparison to Christ, but I’m complacent and stuck in my ways.
For example, I was upset one day and determined that I was going to tell someone how I felt because they had said some things that I didn’t like. My only problem was that I had to preach and I needed to study some more but what I read and wrote wasn’t sinking in, then someone told me that God shows us all mercy and they reminded me of my first sermon and how we wrestle not against flesh and blood. I calmed down immediately and asked for forgiveness. That word softened my heart so that I can break that follow ground. So I can get down and rake away that hurt and anger. I put down a little more water, So I can get down in there and rake away that unforgiveness. I put down a little more water, So I can get down in there and rake away those rocks those obstacles that were blown in my path. I put down a little more water to get down in there and rake away feelings of doubt and depression, feelings of unrest and frustration, feelings of uncertainty and distrust that came about when I relied in man and got burned. The application of water/His Word must be constant to ensure that a change takes place.

Well, after assessing the situation I was able to take some actions to improve the vitality of my yard. I broke up the hard ground and I trimmed back those limbs and I picked up those leaves and I planted more seeds and I watered both areas again. I believed and I took some time out to work on the yard.
I watered the areas both day and night.
Then I realized something.
I cant be there 24 hours a day hovering over this little area. I couldn’t be there at night protecting the grass. I can’t predict and stop the next dry spell or windy day.
but one night as I was sleep, it rained.
One night, when I was concerned about the lawn, it rained. I can water the grass but I can’t make it rain.
What are you saying?? One night when I decided to seek His rest, He showered me with His righteousness and love. One night when I told Jesus that I can’t do this by myself, that I can’t read scriptures all day and night, He picked up that rake and removed unbelief, he picked up that rake and removed all obstacles. So when I finally woke up - came to my senses - I saw that the work had already been completed.

He said I have already did the work bc I can work while you are sleeping. You see while you are brooding over the area, while you think you are fixing your problems, while you think you have done more than enough. I can’t wait until you tire those little arms out, and you put your confidence in me, so that I, The Lord, can work. So that I can direct that water; so I can guide that seed; so I can break out the tough ground and leave the good ground in there. So I can trim back just enough and do it just at the right time. So I can remove the leaves without taking up all the new grass around you.
Now when my yard needs a little work. I still put down seeds and trim branches and rake leaves but I discovered that I don't have to worry about the results. I can just say Lord, You Rain. Lord You Reign


court said...

POWERFUL! yes, yes, yes. Hebrews 6:7 speaks to this exact illiteration. "For the earth which drinks in the rain tha often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God; but if it bears throns and briers, it is rejected and near to being cursed, whose end is to be burned". Thank God He continues to Rain (and Reign) upon us to push back the weeds in order to cultivate a harvest of Herbs and useful fruit. Great Series Jacksons...we all need to place more focus on our "yard work".

Unknown said...

I feel you for real. As a matter of fact, I need to cut my grass now

Unknown said...


I'm ready to provide an offering for this one. This will be printed and posted on my wall. This is some great word!